
Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Love of Crochet

This is going to be a blog about all the crafts I have made, and all the crafts I am continuing to make from day to day. I have discovered recently that crochet is really theraputic, in dealing with all the stresses of the day to day world. I learned how to crochet when I was 16, taught by my loving grandmother. She was extremely patient with me, and I spent countless hours with her learning her skill. My first project was a baby blanket, and it was far from perfect. Hopefully I will be able to get a picture on here soon (I know I still have it here somewhere). Halfway through, the blanket turned out to look more like a triangle, and my grandmother (being the great teacher she is) made me unravel the whole thing and start over. Being an impatient teenager I was really hesitant to do so, but my grandmother was insistent. Now 8 years later I am so grateful for my grandmother, who taught me to really put my best effort into my work. She taught me all I know, and left a wonderful legacy that hopefully I can carry on when she is gone.